April 2024 Monthly Meeting
In April, CAHABA is embarking on a new challenge to make a positive impact on Birmingham by partnering with Cheeriodicals! During our monthly luncheon, we will not only learn more about who Cheeriodicals is and what they do, but we will also work together to pack cheer up boxes for pediatric patients. The boxes will be filled with toys, arts & crafts, coloring books, and more to bring cheer to patients at the CHIPS Center at Children’s Hospital of Alabama (https://www.childrensal.org/services/chips-center). To learn more about Cheeriodicals, please visit their website here: https://cheeriodicals.com/our-story/
Because we want to have enough time for us to fully invest in this event, we will be moving up the start of our meeting to 11:45 am, so please plan accordingly.