We have a wide range of committee that we would love for you to be a part of within CAHABA. If you are interested in any of the following committees please reach out to any of our board members for more information.
Community Outreach and Service
We believe in giving back to the community we work and live in daily. From making and serving meals at the Ronal McDonald House, to donating over 150 boxes of toiletries and supplies to the Jimmie Hale Mission, our giving has no boundaries. This committee researches recipient organizations, recruits volunteers within the organization for these quarterly outreach events.
Education / Programs
CAHABA provides hospitality and business education thru our monthly programs. In addition to these benefits, we offer networking with industry peers. This committee plans monthly programming and assists in choosing locations & catering menus for the events.
As an association of members who are effected by the regulatory rules of the government, CAHABA members assist our state department of tourism and local government with their support and feedback when called to action.
The Membership Committee greets members at each meeting and encourages new membership to join CAHABA.
This committee is responsible for website and social media content and posting. It also has the opportunity to invite local media outlets to join us at our monthly meetings.
CAHABA is constantly encouraging the up and coming generation to join our wonderful industry. The Scholarship committee is responsible for reaching out to local colleges and requesting submissions from students in order to receive $500 or more in scholarship funding.
There are many ways to get involved within our organization and be a part of our inspired industry! Join us today!